Established trends, catalysts and sudden surprises
During the last couple of weeks there has been a significant shift in market sentiment from being in a prolonged crypto-winter to signs of hope that we are entering a crypto-spring. (One of many references:
The catalyst for many people seemed to be the upcoming Ethereum transition from proof-of-work (PoW) to proof-of-stake (PoS). Seasoned traders were rather skeptical, as usually the anticipation of an event is what moves prices and the event’s actual occurrence is mere exit liquidity.
The kick-off of the recent down move commenced with the bigger than anticipated CPI print in the US, raising doubts about the narrative that BTC is an inflation hedge. So far, resistance in the major coins and equity indices continues.
As a quantitative firm, a big advantage is, that narratives, events, and macro factors are only part of the equation, and a Bayesian view is formed by the models with significantly more input than a human brain can ever incorporate.
Our proprietary Momentum Overlay model was rather cautious during the last couple of weeks, as momentum might have been strong at times, but not enough confirmation followed to take on significant bets on the long- or short-side.

Various momentum measures on multiple timescales also provided an ambivalent picture that resulted in an almost neutral expectation for the market:

Interestingly, our measures for a beta neutral portfolio, that also incorporates Altcoins, ended up in almost the same weightings as our Momentum Overlay.
The key takeaway for us is the following: As exciting as the last couple of weeks have been, it seems that larger changes in the direction of more market dispersion are still absent. Our multi-strategy philosophy feels especially right in such environments, and we encourage everyone to reflect on the past to spot potential biases in expectations and assumptions.
Things might stay exciting.

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